MeDaPro ERP Connector
The ERP connector connects MeDaPro with the ERP system. MeDaPro makes reading on defined information from the ERP system.

Connection ERP / ERP system - secure workflow with the MeDaPro ERP connector
Prices and descriptions as well as packaging units, minimum order quantities or customer-specific article numbers are used from the ERP system. As soon as an article is created in the ERP system, it also appears in MeDaPro . This means that items can be created quickly, easily and promptly.
Today, a large number of ERP systems can be connected via standard adapters. With the ODBC adapter, it is also possible to connect other ERP systems quickly and securely. The ERP system remains the leading system.
Due to the use of the ERP connector in combination with MeDaPro, there is no need to maintain item information twice.
Solution Example
Joint use of article data from the ERP
Miller Ltd. couples your Navision's ERP system to the product information management system. With the Navision Standard Connector information from the ERP automatically adopted and newly created items and prices are displayed. In this way, information does not need to be maintained twice.